Here’s Why Routines Are Vital to Success

Early Morning RoutineSurprise, surprise, we’re writing about routines again today. We get it though, in the fast-paced world of AI, machine learning, robots and tech startups, the allure of spontaneity and flexibility often overshadows the profound benefits of established routines. But here’s the thing—routines aren’t boring (we know, we would say that but hear us out). We genuinely believe that routines are the secret sauce to success! As we gear up to launch our platform aimed at enhancing personal and professional structure and social accountability, let’s talk about why routines are total game-changers. And even though they’re nothing new, you really should be using them if you aren’t already.

Back to the Basics – What is a Routine?

Before we dive into the awesome benefits of a solid routine, let’s take a look at the basics of routines and the psychology behind them. So, first up, what is a routine? A routine is basically a sequence of actions you follow regularly. In essence, it is a fixed program that helps bring some much-needed order to life. Most people will have grown up with a routine. As children this was often enforced, at least at school if not at home. Different parenting styles mean that your home life may have had strict routines, whilst others might not. However, almost every school out there will have enforced a routine on you. The routine of a fixed school day, with a timetable, set hours for classes, set start and end times. Then, if you grew up with parents who had a parenting style focused on a routine you will likely have had a set time for dinner and a set time to go to bed. Routines are usually ingrained upon us growing up to a huge extent, and yet we often don’t think about them once we’re “grown” and free to do as we please, as adults.

What are the Benefits to a Routine?

There are lots of benefits to a routine, and we’ll unpack and explore some of them now.

  1. One of the biggest benefits is that you will find, with a routine, that there is significantly less decision fatigue. Every choice we make drains our mental energy, so by automating daily tasks, we free up brainpower for the things that really matter. Don’t believe us? Fine, the good news is that science backs up what we’re saying. A study from Duke University found that 45% of our daily behaviours are driven by habit, rather than conscious decision-making. That means nearly half of what we do can be optimised with solid routines! If you’re interested in startups, successful entrepreneurs or Apple, then you may know about the Steve Jobs outfit. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, let us explain. Steve Jobs famously wore the same outfit every day and at every Apple event. Why? For the very same reason that we’ve just outlined – there’s no decision to make and therefore no mental energy drained.
  2. The second important benefit to a routine is that routines are great for mental health. They provide a sense of control, making life feel less chaotic and overwhelming – and let’s face it, if you’re not feeling a little overwhelmed with all the new technologies, news and ever-accelerating world in which we are living in, then you’re doing pretty well. In fact, research has shown that people with structured daily schedules experience 40% less stress compared to those who don’t. That’s a big deal! Want less stress? Get a routine!
  3. Moving on, let’s not forget sleep. Sticking to a consistent bedtime and wake-up time can improve sleep quality, which in turn boosts energy levels and overall health. According to the Sleep Foundation, people with regular sleep routines are 30% more likely to report feeling well-rested. Better sleep means better focus, better moods, and better decision-making—a triple win! Three key benefits to routines right there, but wait, there’s more…
  4. On top of that, structured routines improve time management. A survey by the American Psychological Association found that individuals who structure their day efficiently save an average of two hours daily. That’s 14 extra hours a week—almost a full waking day gained just by planning ahead! Imagine what you could do with an entire extra day each week. Please don’t say “binge the new Netflix series” but hey, it’s your additional 14 hours. You are welcome to do as you please with them. No judgement here.
  5. And finally, another big win in creating a routine is the ability to track your progress within it. When you stick to routines, one of the fantastic benefits is that you can start to see real improvements, which, in turn, should hopefully keep you motivated. A study by the American Psychological Association found that people who set and track their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. So, routines don’t just keep us organised—they actually help us win.
Let’s take a real-world example: athletes. Elite performers, from Serena Williams to Michael Phelps, follow rigorous daily routines because consistency breeds excellence. They don’t just wing it; they refine their schedules to maximise efficiency and growth. Even outside of sports, consistency is key. Bill Gates is known for following a structured reading schedule, ensuring he consumes at least 50 books a year. Elon Musk is said to meticulously break his workday into five-minute blocks to maximise productivity. Given his roles with SpaceX, Tesla, X and DOGE, to name but a few, a routine is probably vital for him. The world’s highest achievers don’t rely on random bursts of motivation—they build systems that keep them winning.

The Role of Social Accountability

We get it, and we want to be real with you - staying motivated solo is tough. That’s where social accountability comes in (*cough* enter uRoutine *cough*). Sharing goals and progress with others makes us way more likely to follow through. In fact, in a study from the Dominican University of California, they found that people who share their goals with friends or accountability partners are 65% more likely to achieve them. That’s a massive boost just from adding some social support! But why and how does this work? Here are some key reasons why social accountability strengthens routines:

  • External Motivation: Knowing others expect you to show up makes it harder to bail.
  • Collective Encouragement: A supportive community helps keep you on track and push through tough days.
  • Constructive Feedback: Getting advice from others can fine-tune your routines and help you stay aligned with your goals.
Take exercise as an example. People who work out with a partner or group are significantly more likely to stick to their fitness routines compared to those who go solo. It’s way harder to hit the snooze button when you know someone’s counting on you! We would argue that a lot of people have a personal trainer not to show them how to exercise but to ensure and encourage them to do so.

Common Concerns with Adopting a Routine

So, here’s the thing, whilst we know the benefits, the reasons behind it and all the reasons why you should be implementing a routine, along with social accountability for support, sticking to one can be tricky. We would be lying if we told you anything contrary to this. You might worry that routines will make your life feel too rigid, but the truth is, they actually free up time for more fun and creativity. When the essentials are automated, there’s more space for spontaneity.

Starting a new routine can also feel overwhelming at first, but the trick is to start small and not be too hard on yourself if you veer off course (everybody does from time to time). As long as your intentions are there and you’re keen to progress, you will over time. Research shows that forming a new habit takes an average of 66 days. So, don’t expect perfection overnight. Small, manageable steps are the way to go.

Another challenge is keeping up motivation. That’s why adding variety, setting short-term goals, and leaning on social accountability can make a world of difference. It keeps things fresh and prevents burnout. One of the biggest reasons people drop routines is that they expect immediate results. But the reality is that real progress takes time. Studies show that people who embrace gradual habit formation are 80% more likely to sustain long-term behaviour change. The key is patience and consistency. So, surround yourself with people who can motivate you, social accountability and its benefits and you’ll get there soon enough.

What About Routines for Workforces and Teams?

We’re glad you asked about this – or perhaps you didn’t, and we just wrote this article and title to fit our narrative, but, well, you’re almost at the end of this article now so keep reading. Hear us out because this is arguably just as important. Routines don’t just benefit individuals. Routines have an amazing ability to spread and have a rippling effect on teams, organisations, and even, dare we say it, society. In professional settings, structured routines create reliability, making collaboration smoother. Companies that promote structured workflows see higher efficiency and happier employees. So, if you are a manager, team leader or business owner who is looking to improve workplace productivity or employee engagement, think about your team’s routine.

On a larger scale, societies that embrace structured routines tend to be more productive and experience higher overall well-being. When individuals thrive, communities thrive too! For instance, some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs swear by structured routines. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple is said to start his day at 4:30 AM with exercise and an email inbox review. Oprah Winfrey in turn is said to prioritise morning meditation and a gratitude session. The world’s top performers aren’t leaving things to chance—they’re leveraging routines to stay ahead. Even historical figures relied on strict routines to fuel their success. Benjamin Franklin followed a detailed daily schedule, including dedicated hours for reading, reflection, and work. Maya Angelou only wrote in a specific rented hotel room, eliminating distractions and reinforcing her creative routine.

How Can I Implement an Effective Routine?

As uRoutine gears up for its launch, we’re here to make routine-building and social accountability effortless. One of its coolest features? Personalised routine planning, so users can design schedules that actually fit their goals and lifestyles. No cookie-cutter solutions here! Another awesome aspect of uRoutine is its community engagement tools. Connecting with like-minded individuals makes it easier to stay committed and feel part of something bigger – you’ll even be able to copy commitments within a routine and add it to your own. Plus, the platform includes intuitive tracking systems, helpful nudges, gamification and reporting, so you can visualise your progress, get feedback, and adapt your routines as needed.

And let’s not forget habit stacking – this is a concept where you build new habits by attaching them to existing ones. For example, if you already make coffee every morning, adding a five-minute mindfulness session right after could be an easy way to incorporate meditation into your daily routine. uRoutine will help you to leverage these small but powerful strategies to create lasting habits. Want to gain access first? Scroll to the bottom of this article (after you’ve read it, of course), enter your email address in the form and we’ll give you early access as soon as we’re ready to launch.

Remember, at the end of the day, routines aren’t about restricting your life—they’re about setting yourself up for success. Routines can help to reduce stress, build momentum, and keep you accountable. And when you add social support into the mix? That’s when real magic happens. With uRoutine on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to embrace the power of structure. Whether you’re looking to crush professional goals, improve health, or just feel more in control of your day, routines can get you there. And hey, why not do it with a supportive community cheering you on?

So, what’s one small routine you can start today? Maybe it’s journaling for five minutes before bed, stretching every morning, or scheduling a weekly catch-up with an accountability buddy. Whatever it is, commit to it—because small changes lead to big results!

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